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Avatar Profile Administered:
Professionally Administered Hosting
Linux, Apache2, MySQL, PHP Hypertext Preprocessor and Drupal (LAMPD Stack)
The Jooblay Avatar System® operates both in your hosting environment and on the open world wide web. Each environment is accompanied by a minimum of 1 Jooblay Avatar® that carries out both automated and manual aspects of your business. Every Jooblay Avatar® is built to maintain your environments core Drupal® code, MySQL® Database, contributed modules and theme. From this fundamental level the Jooblay Avatar® can scale and clime. Offering powerful equipment for small business professionals including: SEO, Consulting, Incorporation Services, Accounting, Custom Development, Sales Solutions, Livechat Operators and much more. The Jooblay Avatar System® is a completely vertical solution for small business.
The Jooblay Avatar System® operates both in your hosting environment and on the open world wide web. Each environment is accompanied by a minimum of 1 Jooblay Avatar® that carries out both automated and manual aspects of your business. Every Jooblay Avatar® is built to maintain your environments core Drupal® code, MySQL® Database, contributed modules and theme. From this fundamental level the Jooblay Avatar® can scale and clime. Offering powerful equipment for small business professionals including: SEO, Consulting, Incorporation Services, Accounting, Custom Development, Sales Solutions, Livechat Operators and much more. The Jooblay Avatar System® is a completely vertical solution for small business.
The Jooblay Empire Avatar® is for fully managed environments needing daily updates to your sites.
Commerce Commerce Customer Management:
Content Content Management:
On demand updates & changes.
New Content Fields:
On demand updates & changes.
Content Field Management:
On demand updates & changes.
Content Field Description:
Fields are locations on your page that you can enter data into. These can be any type of data from dates to text and or any variation you see on a web page.
Billing Payment Methods:
Paypal, Visa, Master card
Billing Method:
30 Day rechargeable block
Billing Method Description:
All Jooblay Avatars® run off a rechargeable 30 day block of time. You can add as many 30 day blocks as you see fit.
Consulting Consulting:
On demand consulting plus entrepreneur executive scouts.
Consulting Description:
Consulting is available with one of our senior entrepreneur small business professionals. Consulting covers all macro and micro aspects of small business including: Business Administration, Corporate Structure, Commerce, Product Development, Product Sourcing, Brand and Marketing, Sales, Banking and Finance including Accounting, SEO, Social Marketing, Motivation, Kloud Thoughts and much much more.
Development Development:
On demand construction limited by 4 hr. 5 days a week.
Development Description:
Development is based on new configurations based on the sites architecture such as new or edited shipping rules. Custom content configuration and or other development tasks. *Support tickets may or may not cover your custom development. Please contact for an in depth analysis on your project. **All development is deemed as such by Jooblay at all time. We reserve the right to decline any and or all development tasks based on senior Jooblay developers opinions at at all time.
Drupal Core Managed Core:
Yes, all Jooblay Avatar Systems® come with Drupal core management & administration. We guarantee your site will not be broken or down from software or code related issues.
Managed Modules:
Yes fully managed & updated.
File Management File Media Management:
On demand updates & changes.
Import Content Imports:
On demand updates & changes.
Import Management:
Fully managed on a daily basis.
Import Description:
If your site has over 16 pages of content it is eligible for automated product imports. This allows for 100s or even 1000s of products to be imported into your sites products, content and or any media type. *Restrictions apply to content quality. **All product imports shall be supplied via URL and or an acceptable file formate. Namely .xls .csv file formats. ***Critical errors dictate any additional fees that maybe applicable.
Management Email Setup:
Yes, fully managed & tested.
Email Testing:
On demand updates & changes.
Google Apps:
12 free users & management.
Database Integrity Tests:
On demand updates & changes.
Managed Security:
Yes, we update, manage and scan for any and all security wholes 24/7.
Domain Configuration:
On demand updates & changes.
Multiple Domain Management:
Managed Email:
Yes, fully managed & tested.
Role Creation:
Yes, fully managed & tested.
Search Engines Search Engine Sitemap Submittal:
Automatic submission to Google & Bing search.
Support Support Tickets:
Unlimited support tickets
Support Method:
Support via email, livechat & skype.
Support Change Allowance:
Immediate update target. Changes to the site should take minutes.
*Please note this excludes major architecture, code and or other major changes to the site.
Support Description:
The Jooblay Empire Avatar® has unlimited support tickets per 30 day charged time block. Tickets are classified as any and all support, tasks, changes mandated by you the client. You may additionally purchase support tickets on a single use basis or upgrade your Jooblay Avatar® to reflect your level of development or site changes. Please note support tickets are accumulative. Example: you purchased 10 30-day blocks equaling 30 support tickets. At which each ticket will evaporate at a rate of 3 tickets per 30 days and or every time you use one of your tickets.
Security Greyhat Site Attacks:
Yes, monthly attempts focused on hacking your site by our JOOBLAY GrayHATS®. Including man in the middle, phishing, mirror duplicates, DOS and more.
Greyhat Environment Attacks:
Yes, monthly attempts focused on cracking our global server architecture by JOOBLAY GrayHATS®.
Theme Themes:
Unlimited theme management.
Theme Management:
Yes, fully managed with free updates and critical errors resulting in crashed sites.
Managed Themes:
Yes, fully managed with free updates and critical errors resulting in crashed sites.
Theme Updates:
Unlimited on demand theme changes.
Theme Description:
Unlimited themes are managed and updated. The entire environment is covered, including subdomains.
Users User Integrity Tests:
On demand updates & changes.
Managed Users:
Yes, fully managed & tested.
Vault Site Backups:
Daily with roll back & content integrity checks including erosion control.
Site Integrity Tests:
On demand updates & changes.
Site Backup Tests:
See Jooblay Vault® Products.